01427 611000 sales@wefco.co.uk

Orbital Welding

Wefco’s continuing growth and technical advancements allow us to now offer specialised orbital welding services.

This is an automated welding system that is used for high quality repeatable welding, predominantly for pipe welding. The process rotates a welding arc 360° around a static work piece. This allows it to maintain a secure purge; improving on quality, speed, consistency, safety.

Our new clean workshop allows us to meet ever increasing standards for the various industries we can supply to, which include:

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Dairy
  • Aerospace
  • Brewing
  • Soft drinks
  • Cosmetics

We can orbital weld an array of tube sizes, material and thicknesses. Our equipment also has the ability to work with a wide selection of fittings to suit the varied pipelines throughout different industries.

If you require any further information please contact us or call on: 01427 611000

Orbital Welding 1
Orbital Welding 2
Orbital Welding 3

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